Jesus said "Let the little children come to me..."

FBC Kids Worship is a time for children, Preschool - 5th Grade, to learn about God in a way that is age appropriate and fun!

FBC Kids Worship begins @ 10:00am with Check-in opening @ 9:40am

What We're Learning

ONE SMALL STEP: A 4-week series from Acts on the Early Church.

Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said landing on the moon was “one small step for man.” The biggest adventures start in such a simple way — especially when it comes to space! Asteroids, distant planets, and brand new galaxies await us once we leave earth’s atmosphere. Being the first to explore such uncharted territory can be intimidating. In this four-week series, we’ll take a look at the Book of Acts to learn from the first Christians. Through their stories of faith and bravery, kids will learn how to take the first step of believing in Jesus, the next step of praying for others, and an even bigger step of trusting the Holy Spirit makes us brave. But they won’t want to skip the last step of telling others about Jesus. 


We have an infant/toddler nursery available during our Sunday Worship Service.
Check-in opens @ 9:40am.